Bentley HAMMER CONNECT Edition Help

Segmentation Results

The results of a segmentation analysis are shown in the right panes of the Criticality manager. The top half contains one line for each segment.

The segmentation results can be used to find segments which will become maintenance problems during a shutdown. To find troublesome segments, it is best to sort the segmentation results by right clicking on the appropriate column and choosing Sort Descending.

To find segments that require a large number of valves to be shut in order to isolate the segment, sort the Isolation Elements column. Then pick the segments that have the highest number of isolation elements and zoom to them to see where problem segments might exist.

To find the segments that are most likely to put a large number of customers out of service or are most likely to break, sort based on the length of pipe in the segment. If segments have a relatively even break rate, then the longest ones will have the most breaks and the longest ones are most likely to have the most customers out of service.

Sorting by Fluid Volume in the segment will give an indication of the amount of water that must be drained from the segment in order to de-water the pipe for repair.

The bottom half of the right pane gives details about the nodes included in each segment, the pipes involved in each segment and the isolating nodes needed to shut down each segment. In this portion of the results, there is one line for each element as opposed to the top half where there is one line for each segment. Usually this is best used by picking an individual segment from the middle pane and viewing the details of that segment.

To compare segmentation results between scenarios, the user should pick the Criticality Studies level at the top of the left pane. The top of the associated summary right pane (Segmentation Results Summary) gives overall statistics for each scenario. Usually the results are similar between scenarios unless they use different topologies in terms of valves.

Note: By default, affected elements are included when highlighting one or more segments. To exclude affected elements from the highlight, click the Highlight Segments button and then untick “Include Affected Elements in Highlight”. If you already have highlight on, this will automatically refresh the drawing. If highlight is off, the next time you turn on highlighting it will not highlight affected elements.
Note: By default, affected customer meters are included when highlighting one or more segments. To exclude affected customer meters from the highlight, click the Highlight Segments button and then untick “Include Affected Customer Meters in Highlight”. If you already have highlight on, this will automatically refresh the drawing. If highlight is off, the next time you turn on highlighting it will not highlight affected customer meters.
Note: The highlight toolbar button is on the toolbar above the list of segments.